History is an attempt to understand the stories of the past.  We must not ignore dates and facts, but interpretations define the way we view the world around us.

Course Information:


Early American History


Hist 101 


Fall 2018


Monday 7:00-9:40pm


 LR 274

Instructor:                                                                                                Questions:


John (Kinch) Kincheloe

What is this Course?



What do I need to do?



How do I do assignments?

Office Location:

HEC 316-A                                 

What are the course rules?



Office Hours:  Listed on Home page (link)

Course Schedule:   US1 schedule


What is this Course?


-The history of early America is the history of the search for an American Identity.  The greatest strength of the United States exists in the source of its greatest conflict: diversity.  Economic growth and territorial expansion brought about both interaction and struggle throughout North American.  Americans developed from a diverse populace, and those who came to form the United States in the nineteenth century were a product of the interaction of these various groups.

-My goal is to complicate, not simplify, your understanding of how the United States of America came to exist.  The United States was not always a secure entity.  In fact, the majority of its history is the story of experimentation and failure.  We will look closely at the themes of cultural interaction, economic motivation, and the expansion ethic.


By the end of the semester you should:

-Be able to explain what constitutes an American, and how that conception developed from both positive and negative consequences.

-Be able to devise original arguments about historical trends and events and prove them using both primary and secondary information.


Course Description and Objectives:

 Stuff the college makes me include:

Course Description

This course surveys the general history of the United States to 1865 and allows students to reach a basic understanding of the characteristic features of the United States’ early historical development. Students will learn about some of the important political, economic, social, intellectual, cultural and religious changes that shaped the development of the United States from earliest times.



Course Objectives

Upon completion the course, the student will be able to:

-Establish a chronology of historical events in American History before 1865.

-Explain the changing geo-political structures of the United States up until 1865.

-Define the importance of key individuals and developments in American history before 1865.

-Identify the social, economic and political forces at work in the evolution of early American history.

-Recognize and describe the significance of some of the cultural achievements of early American history.

 -Analyze complex historical sources and materials and reach conclusions based on interpretations.


Recommended Co-requisites or Pre-requisites:

There are no pre-requisites, but this is a writing intensive course so an introductory English course is highly recommended.


Course Textbooks:

-Online Textbook=     -American Yawp: Open online textbook  (link) 

-Online books =         -A Short account of the Destruction of the Indies, Las Casas  (link)

                                     -Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (link)

                                            -Additional online materials will be made available via Blackboard

Lecture Review Materials (links) 

-Lecture Review Materials:    US1 Chapter Terms         US1 Powerpoint1            US1 Powerpoint2  


Fall 2018  His 121 Course Schedule  



Class Date



Face-to-Face Meeting




(Vid- Video)

(Dis- Discussion)


Reading / Assignments

(to be completed before the class)

Section 1 =  Pre-Contact= The first fourteen Thousand Years       13,000 BC – 1492 AD

Week 1

(Aug. 27)

Intro, Geography, & Migration Theories

Introduction Assignment

Sept. 3
No Class

Week 2

(Sept. 10)

Native Civilizations & lifeways

Read Textbook Ch.  1 all  

==Dis. Post ch.1==

Read Primary Documents:
Cartier's Second Voyage 1536
Percy on Virginia 1606
Columbus in Hispaniola 1493


Section 2 = Colonial North America    1492 – 1775

Week 3

(Sept. 17)

The Settlement of North America


Read Textbook Ch.  2 all 

==Dis. Post ch.2==

Las Casas, Devastation of the Indies (READ IN ITS ENTIRETY)

Week 4
(Sept. 24)

Chesapeake and the Low Country

Group 1 -Dis

Read Textbook Ch. 3  all  

==Dis. Post ch.3==

             ==Paper 1 due (on BB)==
Read Primary Documents:
John Smith "an account..."
John Rolfe "a letter"
Declaration by Nathaniel Bacon
Gov. William Berkley on Bacon's Rebellion

Week 5

(Oct. 1)

New England and Mid Atlantic

Group 2 – Dis

Group 5 - Vid

Read Textbook Ch. 4  all  

==Dis. Post ch.4==

Read Primary Documents:
Charter of Massachusetts Bay, 1629
Journal of John Winthrop (Excerpts)
Jonathan Edwards: On the Great Awakening

Oct. 8
No Class

Section 3 = Creating a country of divisiveness 1763 – 1814

Week 6

(Oct. 15)

Rising Tensions and the Motivation of Revolt

Group 3 –Dis

Group 6 - Vid

Read Textbook Ch. 5  all

==Dis. Post ch.5==

Read Primary Documents:

Declaration of Independence
  Townshend Act
  Hutchinson on the Stamp Act

Week 7

(Oct. 22)

 Midterm Exam     

Week 8

(Oct. 29= Midterm)

A Floundering Experiment
and the Constitution

Group 4 -Dis

Group 1 - Vid

Read Textbook Ch. 6

==Dis. Post ch.6==
Read Primary Documents:
English Bill of Rights
Jefferson: Statute of Religious Freedom (1786)
Patrick Henry Speech

Week 9

(Nov. 5)

Conflict in a weak nation: The Politics of Stability

Group 5 - Dis

Group 2 - Vid

Read Textbook Ch. 7 all

==Dis. Post ch.7==

Read Primary Documents:
Bill of Rights
Slavery and the Constitution
http://George Washington Farewell Address

Section 4 = The Second Generation and the Making of the United States 1814 -1860

Week 10

(Nov. 12)

             An Explanding Nation

Read Textbook Ch. 12  all 

B: Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 
Dis. Post ch.12==
Read Primary Documents:

-LA Purchase Treaty: April 30,1803
-Journals of Exploration: Lewis and Clark

-Act of 1820

Week 11

(Nov. 19)

Northern Industry and Reform

Read Textbook Ch. 8 & 9 all 

==Paper 2 due(On BB)==

==Dis. Post ch. 8&9==
Read Primary Documents:
Republican Motherhood (1815)
  Lowell Mill Girls Go on Strike, 1836
Harriet Martineau on Chicago (1837   
American Frugal Housewife (1829)

Week 12

(Nov. 26)

Southern Agriculture

Group 6- Dis

Group 3- Vid

Read Textbook Ch. 11  all 

==Dis. Post ch.11 ==

Read Primary Documents:
George Fitzhugh advocates slavery 
Thomas Dew defends Slavery (1852)

http://Declaration of Sentiments, Garrison (1833)
Garrison, "No Compromise with the Evil of Slavery"

Section 5 = Civil War 1844-1877

Week 13

(Dec. 3)

Regional Tension Build

Group 4 - Vid

Read Textbook Ch. 13 all  

==Dis. Post ch.13==
Read Primary Documents:
Slave Kidnapping Poster (1851)
Preston Brooks: Indefense of Attack on Sumner (1856)
A House Divided Speech (1858) Lincoln

Week 14

(Dec. 10)

A Nation Torn Apart    

Cumulative Paper due 
Dec.10th before class

Read Textbook Ch. 14 & 15 all  

==Dis. Post ch. 14&15==
Read Primary Documents:
Gettysburg Address 
Emancipation Proclomation


Week 15

(Mon . Dec. 17- Exam)


Final Exam
Review sheet (click here)

Note: The instructor has the right to alter or change the course schedule at any time as he/she deems appropriate.


What do I need to do?

Grading Policy:

All assignments are graded on a 100 point scale and averaged accordingly to the percentages listed below.




Group Presentations



Chapter Quizzes



In class Participation



Grading Scale


2 - 3 page papers




Midterm & Final Exam




Cumulative Essay   










59 and below


o   Group Work

§  You will be assigned a group that you will work with throughout the semester.  

·         Your group will have its own private discussion board and collaboration on BB in week 2 of the semester.         

§  1-Video Group Research Presentations -Click Here = for detailed instructions.

·         Your group will produce a publicly posted five minute research presentation to be shown in the class.

§  2-Discussion lead -Click Here = for detailed instructions.

·Your group will present on and lead a class discussion of the primary sources assigned for your week.
- If the the class does not participate, every member of  the class (not presenting) will write a 1 page typed summaryof each                                                         document, due before the next class.

              o   Discussion chapter posts
                    §  Each post should not exceed 140 characters and is due before the start of the first class of the week.


o   Participation & Quizzes

§  Based on attendance and active engagement in daily discussions.


o   2- 3pg. argumentative papers

o   Utilizing readings from primary sources, and the textbook.

o   (All papers should be submitted via attachment on blackboard before class of the assigned due date.)

o   Midterm & Final

                     §  Consists of 3 parts:  Map, Chronology/Causation, Essay. 
Review sheets, containing key terms and map items, will be posted on course schedule.

o   Cumulative Essay     

                                    §  1 Cumulative essay:  3-4 pg typed essay question

                Final Cumulative Exam Question

 The formation of an American identity was a long and complicated process.  What is an American?  When did such an identity form and how did it evolve over time?

            (Evidence and Information must be used from across the breath of the semester and 3 different primary documents to                     prove your Argument.)


Extra Credit Assignments (due by the end of Week 13) =    Digital History Project- check it out here.

                   Take a look and talk to Kinch if you are interested. 


How do I do assignments?

Tree Preservation

This is a paperless course. 

- All additional readings, assignments, submissions, and course materials are on Blackboard.

-All primary source readings are online and accessible through links in the BB “Course Schedule.”

-You will need to check Blackboard acct. weekly for readings and assignments.

-To access Blackboard = Log in to “My NOVA”  https://nvcc.my.vccs.edu/jsp/home.jsp

Guidelines for Written Work 

Formatting: All Papers should be double spaced, using 12 point Calibri font and one inch margins.  All papers must be word processed and submitted through Blackboard as “doc,” “docx,” or “rtf.”      E-mail submissions will not be accepted.  

Style and Grammar: You must present your arguments in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English.  Make sure to proofread and use spell-check. For information on writing papers for this class, make sure to read Kinch’s writing guide (under course documents on BB.)  You also might want to consult the following handy websites:

o       NVCC Loudoun's Writing Center

o       Charlie Evans’ History Writing Center

Citations:  You MUST include a formal citation any time you refer to a specific passage in a text, even if you do not quote the text directly.  The required method for citing sources in this class is Chicago Style formatting for footnote citations.  According to this format, you “Insert Footnote” (under references) and enter the citation information as laid out in this link.


What are the course rules?

Late Assignments 

-Late papers will be accepted after the due date and time for half credit, as long as they are submitted before the final class period of the term.

-Discussion, Quizzes, Participation, and Presentation assignments will only be accepted during the week they are due.

-All assignments should be stored on a cloud server and submitted online.  Excuses such as “my dog ate my homework” and “my computer crashed” are no longer valid.

Exams and Make-Up Exams

For exam sessions, make-ups will not be given other than in the case of a genuine emergency with appropriate documentation (ie, emergency room documents, court summons, etc.)  Missing class due to "not feeling well," not being able to get a ride, having to work, and the like are not genuine emergencies.


Fresentation / Video feedback will be given in person at the end of class, and the grade will be posted within a couple days. 

Papers and Exams will be graded and posted within two weeks of their due date, in order to give more detailed feedback.

Electronic Devices

Laptops and tablets are encouraged in class, but surfing for non-subject related material during class will not be tolerated.  If seen you will be asked to explain the relevance of what is on your screen and you may be asked to leave the room.  You will be required to engage with your own or provided devices during class discussion.
**Screens under 7 in. are not valid in-class devices
for this course. Phones should be stowed and silenced during class time. If the device is heard, I reserve the right to respond to the call or incoming message.

Attendance Policy: 

Absences, Late arrival, and leaving early will affect a student’s grade due to the student not being able to participate in class/group discussions. Students missing more than thirty percent of the scheduled classes without an excused absence from the professor will receive ZERO points for the class participation grade. Class absence does not excuse a student from meeting assignment due dates

Academic Dishonesty: 

Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated.

Students involved in cheating will receive a grade of “0” on the activity during which cheating occurred and particularly flagrant or obviously intentional instances of cheating or plagiarism will result in a grade of "F" for the course.  In addition the student will be reported to the Dean of Students for further disciplinary action.

**Please read the section titled Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities:  F. Academic Dishonesty in the Student Handbook.


Academic dishonesty, as a general rule, involves one of the following acts:

1.       Cheating on an examination or quiz; including the giving, receiving, or soliciting of information and the unauthorized use of notes or other materials.

2.       Substituting for another person during an examination or allowing such substitution for one’s self.

3.       Plagiarism - This is the act of appropriating passages from the work of another individual, either word for word or in substance, and representing them as one’s own work. This includes any submission of written work other than one’s own.

-Please note that even copying a sentence or two from another source without citing it is enough to trigger a plagiarism penalty.  Likewise, changing a word here or there from content which you copy is plagiarism.  Your work should be entirely in your own words except for the passages which you quote and appropriately cite. All of your papers for the class will be checked for plagiarism by SafeAssign software.

4.       Collusion with another person in the preparation or editing of assignments submitted for credit, unless such collaboration has been approved in advance by the instructor.

5.       Knowingly furnishing false information to the College; forgery and alteration or use of College documents or instruments of identification with the intent to defraud.

Be aware of the following:

- Internet-enabled devices, dictionaries and/or calculators are prohibited during testing.

- If you need to leave the room during testing, for whatever reason, your test will be collected immediately for grading without any additional time for more work on the test or quiz.


Instructor/Student Communications Policy:

The primary means of communication outside the classroom between the Instructor and the student is via Blackboard Announcements and e-mail. Students should check Blackboard and their e-mail daily for any Instructor communications. Failure on the part of the student to check Blackboard and e-mail on a regular basis is not an excuse for missed /late assignments or exams. The Instructor turn-around time to respond to e-mails is 24-to-48 hours Monday through Friday.

Instructors receive a significant number of e-mails from students over the course of the semester. To specifically identify the course in which the student is enrolled, all e-mail from the student must include the course and section number (e.g., ACC211-000) in the Subject of the e-mail.


I will email you at the email address on my class list which is your VCCS email address. If you do not check this address frequently, I would recommend you set it up for automatic forwarding to an email address you do check more frequently. When emailing the instructor, always send email from your VCCS email address.


Student Professionalism

Please be considerate. Disruptive behavior, on the ground and online, will not be tolerated.  Private conversations during lecture or class discussions, ringing mobile phones, texting, sleeping, or walking into class late or out of class early all distract and disturb your instructor and your classmates, and will count against your participation grade.  Repeated instances of rude behavior will result your removal from the classroom.  

--All students are considered adults and will conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. Please read the section titled Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities:  B. Student Conduct in the Student Handbook.



WEATHER =Normal Class cancelation due to weather will not affect the course schedule – You are responsible for all readings and assignments regardless of whether we have class on not.

In event of an emergency just regarding this class, check Blackboard for announcements regarding course progress/assignments.

College Policies =

Refer to the "College Policies" tab on Blackboard Course page for:

Academic Integrity Policy / Closing Information (weather) / Communication (e-mail) / Course Drop/Withdrawal Policy /        Disabilities and Accommodations / Emergency Preparedness / Financial Aid / NOVACares


Financial Instability

Everyone was trouble at times, but there is help.  If you are struggling please reach out to me, a counselor, or click here https://blogs.nvcc.edu/wssn/

IT Helpdesk

The IT Help Desk provides first-level technical support to all faculty, staff and students of Northern Virginia Community College. Additional details and resources are located at http://www.nvcc.edu/ithd/.

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday:

8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.


8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.






Anyone observing an emergency situation should contact the Campus Police Office or the dean of students.

Loudoun Campus

Campus Police:


Dean of Students:


------Note: The instructor has the right to alter or change the course and course schedule at any time as he deems appropriate.-------

contact: jkincheloe@nvcc.edu