Kinch Course = Group Video Research Project

 Your job is to dig a little deeper and teach the class about one specific topic of history covered during the week you video is due.

  Here are the details:

 v  You will work with your assigned group and produce a 2 minute video presentation (Video lengths outside this length will lose credit.)

 1.     Choose a topic from the time period/chapter covered for the week your group is assigned.

2.      Submit that topic to Kinch for approval at least 2 weeks before the due date.

3.      1 member of the Group must submit the video link and Work Cited page to Canvas before Wednesday 8am of the week assigned.

§  Failure to meet the above deadlines will result in a grade deduction.

 v  Your GOAL:   Examine and explain to the class/audience the event or movement and the significance of it.  Why was this important? (Your presentation should answer this question.)

 v  Video must include both visuals and speaking/voice over.   You will be graded on your collaboration, accuracy, and delivery of information.

 v  Presentations need to be submitted as a "pubic" Youtube link .  (Technical failures are not valid excuses so plan ahead accordingly.)

 v  You may use any editing and graphic software you have available, but a “single take” video is an acceptable submission if done well.

 v  Cite your sources:  You need to submit a list of your sources as a work cited page on a PDF or Docx as part of your submission.

Virtual Class=  Since you will not be together, you may want to:
    -Divide jobs and have one person assemble the video.
    -Splice video segments together
    -Use the voice record function on Power Point
    -Drawing animation and live action are often, if not more effective than images.

  Examples of previous videos click here