Hist. 102 = Modern Western Civilization

Paper 2- Argumentative Essays on 19th Century Change


Question:   Why was the 19th century an age of constant and radical reactions?



After doing this assignment you will have a clear understanding of the scope of changes during the 19th century and its impact the development of the modern world's economy and society.


After doing this assignment you should be able to:



  1. Read Marx's Communist Manifesto. (Primary source)
  2. Read all the textbook readings on the 19th Century.   (Secondary source)
  3. Write 2 essays that put forth the same argument answering the following question:
    1. -(50%)- Format 1 = 350-500 word essay
    2. -(50%)- Format 2 =  150-200 word essay


Having read the Communist Manifesto and pondering all of the reactions to the vast social, economic, and political shifts that took place, why was the 19th century an age of constant and radical reactions?

(Choose a very specific aspect and focus your argument on it.)




Submission instructions/Requirements (Failure to follow any of these will result in grade deductions)

-Submit paper as an attachment in the assignment box of Canvas before the due date and time.

-Must be in one of the following formats:    doc, docx, or pdf

-You must  use Footnotes for all information except that which comes from your own mind.

            + http://libguides.nvcc.edu/ChicagoTurabian

-Most follow the formatting outlined on the syllabus and Kinch’s Writing Guide.

 -Required Format:     -12pt.  font /Calibri / 1 in. margins / Double spaced



You will be assessed on your ability to analyze the historical era to develop, set forth, and prove your argument using primary and secondary sources effectively in two different lengths.